Illustration of wheelchair sculpture. Underneath, text that reads “Designs for sitting.”

Fashion Follows Form: Designs for Sitting

Comparing Designs for Sitting Across the Centuries

From June 2014 until January 2015, the Royal Ontario Museum featured the revolutionary designs of IZ Adaptive founder, Izzy Camilleri, in an exhibition titled, "Fashion Follows Form: Designs for Sitting".

The exhibition featured a number of the fashionable adaptive clothing designs for wheelchair users that Izzy had produced for IZ Adaptive contextualized alongside 18th-19th century designs for a seated L-frame.

The exhibition at Toronto's ROM went on to win the Richard Martin Exhibition Award, with one of the jurors describing Fashion Follows Form as being a theme of "social justice and human rights."

The text for the descriptions throughout the exhibition were also considered to be respectful of the audience and beautifully written.

You can watch a short walkthrough of the exhibition here.

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